Results 3 Counties Ch Show
Actualité publié le 10/06/2014
Juge : Steward J. Mallard (GB)
Jupiler du Regard Mordant
Ouvete Male 1ere Exc : Meilleur Male
Miss Scarlet du Regard Mordant
Jeune Femelle - 1ere Exc - Meilleur Femelle - BOB
Voici les notes du juge comme publie dans Dogs World.
Jupiler du Regard Mordant to Tallowah
Upstanding beauceron, masculine & muscular without coarsness, head well developed with moderate stop placed about right, good front assembly & sound limbs, body with shape, level back & moderately defined hindquarters, sound movement with good reach and drive.
Jupiler du Regard Mordant
Ouvete Male 1ere Exc : Meilleur Male
Miss Scarlet du Regard Mordant
Jeune Femelle - 1ere Exc - Meilleur Femelle - BOB
Voici les notes du juge comme publie dans Dogs World.
Jupiler du Regard Mordant to Tallowah
Upstanding beauceron, masculine & muscular without coarsness, head well developed with moderate stop placed about right, good front assembly & sound limbs, body with shape, level back & moderately defined hindquarters, sound movement with good reach and drive.
Miss Scarlet du Regard Mordant to Tallowah
Feminine Beauceron with the cleanest of lines, conveyed strengght without exaggeraton or coarsness & I considered her quite special, lovely breed type, very sound & shown in good condition.
Feminine Beauceron with the cleanest of lines, conveyed strengght without exaggeraton or coarsness & I considered her quite special, lovely breed type, very sound & shown in good condition.
Bravo Jups & Scarlet